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Factors that influence the structure of young people’s current situation

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

  1. Who they grew up with and/or how they were raised

  2. How much time they spent inside with family VS. how much time they spent outside with friends/family in their environment/communities

  3. Home influence VS. community/environment influence

  4. School experience VS. community experience

  5. Young person’s hobbies relieving their stress VS. negative stress relievers

Bronfrenbrennor’s Ecological Systems Theory:

M, Artem. (2018, May 25).Ecological Systems Theory By Bronfenbrenner. [Photograph].

Psychology Facts.

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Bradley King
Bradley King

I believe that when we are working with young people it is very important that we try to look at the world through their lense. We must try to understand the situations and circumstances that brought them to the place they are at now. Many times in life young people coming from poverty and environments where they had to face adversity, they have experienced traumatic things at young ages that their brain may not have been able to process in the best way. Our job as CYC's is to help young people we are working with now find a positive way for themselves, a positive outlet and be the support system they couldn't find in a place of darkness. When…

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