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Effective Interventions for Building Resilience Among At‐Risk Youth

Behavioural Measurement Scale

A Behaviour Rating Scale (BRS) is a tool that can be  used to quantitatively measure behaviour. The BRS is created for each individual young person by a collaborative team to assess specific behaviours. When used over a period of time, the BRS data will indicate if the young person's behaviour is worsening or improving. (A scale to assess specific behaviors will assist in allowing us to figure out what step to take next in creating a therapeutic intervention for a marginalized young person.)

Life-Risk Assessment Interventions: Services

The Region of Peel published a document called What are Effective Interventions for Building Resilience among AtRisk Youth? which encompasses how the environment and systems surrounding youth can be built into strategies that helps them develop resilience in a healthy manner.

Life-Risk Assessment Interventions: Text

Suicide Risk and Self-Harm Assessment Teaching activities and resources

This webpage gives individuals the knowledge and skills to effectively navigate how to develop a safety plan in mental health and addiction with self-harm assessments for those at risk of suiciding.

More Information
Life-Risk Assessment Interventions: Text

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