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The 5 Environmental Elements of the Therapeutic Milieu

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

THERAPEUTIC MILIEU: Is a term used to identify the special environment where the Child and the CYC interact in the process of growth and change. This special environment can be created by anyone, not only a CYC, if they include these 5 elements:

1. Physical: is the concrete physical setting where the child and adult engage & interact in the therapeutic process.

2. Sensory-Emotional: is the “feeling element”, the emotional make-up of each individual; their temperament, their emotional history, their current state of being, their ability to express emotions and their tolerance of other expressions of emotions.

3. Social: includes the social interactions that take place between the adult and the youth in the therapeutic environment most often.

4. Cultural: is defined by the level of acceptance & celebration of differences. This includes, culture & abilities of both adult and child.

5. Ideological: encompass the body of ideas, beliefs and attitudes each individual within the milieu deem important.


Burns, M. (2016). Healing Spaces: Creating and Maintaining Therapeutic Environments for

Children and Youth. Kingston: Child Care Press

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