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Meeting In The Now, Working For The Future welcomes you to our community

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"The Goal is to see the precious child that exists beneath the survival strategies, & to let them know that we see them."

- Dr. Karyn Purvis

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To provide a safe space for people to express their ideas on the approach to helping young people overcome the adversity that they are facing and promote positive growth in their lives.


Our mission is to provide and find new ideas of interventions for young people regarding wellness through posting topics of discussions, questions and blogs to get the communities' experience and opinions in creating a better future for children and youth who face adversity.

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About Us

Meeting In The Now, Working For The Future, is a website created by Amy Johnson, Gabriela Pires, and Bright K. Sarpong who are in third year post secondary practicum in the Child and Youth Care field. This website is a service learning project in which we are gathering the opinions and insight for, and from, the community. 

We created this website to find and provide new ideas to help bring innovational concepts and create advanced interventions into the Child and Youth Care field. This will help marginalized youth who face adversity grow positively and continue to climb towards their future. Our plan moving forward will be having topic discussions on our blogs in order to gather the insight of people from the ages young to matured from various diverse communities who have experienced adversity. Also, from individuals who have the passion to advocate for young people and express changes they feel need to be made within the system in order for us all to implement change in our communities for the young people to have a better future.

It takes a village to raise a child and we believe that together, we can build resilience and plant a seed of hope in the young people living in a low-income housing, or even poverty, as well as those facing adversity. Let's come as a community to help young people remember that they have a future painted with the colours and faces of those they love.

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How To Create a Support System ☆ WORKSHEET ☆

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris | TED

Symptoms and Strategies for PTSD in Children and Teens

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Contact Us

Have a particular challenge that you and/or someone you know is facing? Contact us today and we will work with you/them to find solutions that best meet your/their needs.

Amy Johnson: (905) 749-6058

Bright K. Sarpong: (437) 999-5597

Gabriela Pires: (647) 535-4049 

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